The Fence Post
The Fence Post is a nationwide agricultural newspaper reaching over 80,000 readers each week. Don McMillen started the Rocky Mountain Fence Post in Bellvue, Colo in 1980. The paper changed ownership in November 1984 and was owned by Swift Communications until that company was sold to The Ogden Newspapers in December 2021. We added the Nebraska (Plains) Fence Post in 1995 and The Western Slope Fence Post in 2005, both of which are no longer in print.
The Fence Post contains advertising, auctions, obituaries, recipes, cartoons, event coverage and human interest stories all pertaining to the agricultural business. Our weekly columnists include Baxter Black, Lee Pitts, Gwen Petterson, Mad Jack and many others. We have a strong readership in all phases of farming, ranching and livestock production. Our readers call us their farming and ranching “Bible” where they can find auctions, horse events, ag calendar listings and market reports each week. Our classified section is beneficial to both buyers and sellers. We also do special sections including a seasonal Real Estate Guide, Breeders Connection, Summer Events Guide, along with other seasonal projects.
Our advertisers, online and print, are a valuable resource to the ag community. We strive to keep a high level of customer service. As readers, dealers and advertisers this is your paper and we are proud to publish the Fence Post each and every week.
The Fence Post is owned Ogden Publications, Inc.
Publisher: Sabrina “Bree” Poppe
Director of Field Service: Scott Dirk
Editor: Rona Johnson
Assistant Editor: Rachel Gabel